A storm is certainly brewing before my solo show opens in London!
Regardless of the thunder that's predicted, I am very excited to be making the last preparations for the solo show. The weather is showing its varied colours, the guest list keeps on growing, and I'm delighted to have a piece that already has a 'reserve' on it prior to the show launching!
I'm also predicting that I'll be overwhelmed as I walk in tomorrow to 20 of my artworks on exhibition!
I had a lovely message today: look at this beautiful photo from Baker Furniture taken last year after my origami masterclass and the praise they have given my work (I designed two artworks for their showroom). I am pleased to have their support and love what they have done here! I'll certainly be adding this to my wish list!
Do join me at the PV if you can, or see the show before 30th June... or simply get in touch if you like my work.
Thank you everyone. Xx